Equipment and specimens needed for your dissection activities!
A quality beginner's dissection set with all-metal tools! Perfect for junior/senior high dissection activities. Our Dissection Tool Kit...
Cornerstone's dissection tray is the perfect choice for small dissection activities, including frogs, crayfish, worms, cow eye, sheep...
Cornerstone's dissection tray is the perfect choice for larger dissection activities, including cats, fetal pigs, dogfish, etc. Our durable...
Our sturdy foam dissection trays measure approximately 8" x 6". Use these for dissection of smaller specimens such...
This box of 100 gloves is latex-free and non-powdered. An excellent choice for short dissection activities. Gloves received...
These sturdy, 4-inch plastic forceps are perfect for dissection activities. They have a thin tip for precision and...
Nickle-plated T-pins used to hold down items during dissection. 1.5 inches in length. Choose from bags of 10...
These 6-inch probes are great for any dissection activity. Both sides are able to be used for a...
This pack contains the four required specimens for Apologia's Exploring Creation with Biology and Berean Builder's Discovering Design with...
The preserved clam is an excellent dissection specimen to learn about bivalved mollusks. Each specimen is between 3...
Our preserved cow eye allows your students to study the intricate design of the mammalian eye. Dissection specimens...
We have two size options, which you can select from the drop-down menu to the right: 3-4 inch ...