Equipment and specimens needed for your dissection activities!
Explore ecology and food webs with owl pellets!  Discover skeletal elements of common pray such as rodents and insectivores...
Discover the contents and formations of owl pellets with Cornerstone's Owl Pellet Dissection Guide.  Our Dissection Guide comes...
Basic fish dissection is fun and easy with our preserved perch.  Great for observing both the external anatomy of...
Our Perch Dissection Bundle is great for a one-time dissection done in class or at home! Each Perch...
Discover the external and internal anatomy of the perch with Cornerstone's detailed & full-color 8-page booklet.  Helpful for...
Our sheep brain is a great choice for dissection activities to teach students about the structures and functions...
Our sheep heart is a great choice to teach students about the structure of the mammalian heart and...
Single starfish, plain (no injections), and vacuum sealed. The starfish is an excellent introduction to dissection, with great...
Showing: 25-32 of 32