Enter the lab prepared with these supplies.
Our sturdy foam dissection trays measure approximately 8" x 6". Use these for dissection of smaller specimens such...
This box of 100 gloves is latex-free and non-powdered. An excellent choice for short dissection activities. Gloves received...
These 6-inch probes are great for any dissection activity. Both sides are able to be used for a...
A quality beginner's dissection set with all-metal tools! Perfect for junior/senior high dissection activities. Our Dissection Tool Kit...
Our preserved cow eye allows your students to study the intricate design of the mammalian eye. Dissection specimens...
Our sheep heart is a great choice to teach students about the structure of the mammalian heart and...
These plastic student magnifiers have a larger lens for 3x magnification and a smaller lens for 6x magnification....
Discover the contents and formations of owl pellets with Cornerstone's Owl Pellet Dissection Guide. Our Dissection Guide comes...
These metal-backed thermometers can be immersed in liquids to measure temperature for experiments. They feature 1-degree Celsius and...
Our small Human Anatomy Model is 18-inches tall and non-gendered, with 18 removable pieces to show the arrangement...
Cornerstone's dissection tray is the perfect choice for small dissection activities, including frogs, crayfish, worms, cow eye, sheep...
The Cornerstone original Microscope Slide set is perfect for any budding microbiologist. It includes 25 prepared slides from...