Physical Science Explored Kit (Level C)
Welcome to hands-on study!
Welcome to hands-on study!
If you're enrolled in Journey Homeschool Academy's Physical Science Explored, then this is the right place to find the hands-on science supplies you'll need to complete the lab activities for your course!
This materials kit is the add-on for the High School (Level C) course. To makes sure that you all the items for Physical Science, you will also need the Level B kit from this PAGE.
High School (Level C) Materials
- 50mL Erlenmeyer flask (borosilicate glass)
- Balloon
- Cotton swabs (x6; 6-inch)
- Nitrile gloves (x2 pairs)
- Disposable pipettes (x6)
- 35mL syringe
- Copper chloride (0.5g)
- Potassium chloride (0.5g)
- Iron (III) chloride (30 g)
- Sodium phosphate (1g)
- Copper sulfate (1g)
- Borax (4g)
- Styrofoam cup
- Iron nail
- Galvanized steel nail
- Retort stand / support stand
- Roll of string
- Roll of parchment paper
- Acrylic paints (red, blue, yellow)
- Paintbrush
- AA batteries (x3)
- AA battery holder (3-cell)
- Magnet wire (8m, 28 gauge)
- Sandpaper